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Network Security Architecture And Security Monitoring

Posted by Andro Flash ROM on Thursday, June 7, 2018

Network Security Architecture and Security Monitoring

There is a criminal case in a few weeks that's about a internet and rarely the case is a robber and you must know what they steal from a social media is password account, credit number card, or any important data and there was a few tricks for them to steal your privacy account through a phising email scan and use some device or a software that can see your moves when you access any website possibly leaked data precentace 71% occur because attacked from inside causes some people outside can come through the personal system because omission by self that not often to updating system.

Therefore needed to watch any go out and go in from network system cause system network monitoring also can be a way to look a safety slot from that system how strong it is can be looked not just that when monitoring the network we could see many kind of effort to lay down the system.

And you should know that mechanism of the system monitoring this and we called intruder detection system (IDS) you can watch the plot data and have to tell the eksekutif from email.

This is a few example from ids software :

·         Autobuse one of many example software using for detection of probing (port scanning) with logfile monitoring
·         Courtney and Portsentry using for detetction of probing and monitoring data stream even have some primacy. And for using that we could attack the ip address in filter tcpwrapper
·         Shadow for SANS from a snort detection pattern from data when passes and if the pattern detected automaticly sent an alert.

Network monitoring also connected with SNMP protocol (Simple Network Management Protocol) can't deny it SNMP first version very often used rather than second version that more ensure to monitoring than first version that very unsafety.

Example from Network Monitoring agenda using SNMP is :

·         Hp Openview (Windows)
·         Packetboy (Windows)
·         Packetman (Unix)
·         Snmp Collector (Windows)
·         Etherboy (Windows)
·         Etehrman (Unix)
·         Webboy (Windows)

And also there is a Network Monitoring not using SNMP and here the example :

·         Netwatch was include a package with Linux Debian .
·         Ntop could monitoring network like a top agenda that procced in UNIX system.
·         Iplog Updlog and icmplog is focus for monitoring package IP, ICMP, and UDP .
·         Iptraf was including in a pack of Linux Debian.
·         Trafshow can show you way from others hosts in a Text Mode.

In the network security architecture section you are also need to know that there are several components in it that are incorporated in the function of the connection between components, and some activities are there and I will describing about

Several components that exist in the network Security Architecture :

·         Identity Management
·         Authorization System
·         Policy Management
·         Monitoring System
·         Centralized Resource
·         Access Control
·         Security Operation
·         Secure Intranet / Lan
·         Physical Security
·         Secure Internet

Well maybe just this article about what is in the security of a network both the components of the software program. The monitor that is used and others please enter comments or criticisms about the article that I made waiting for the next article, See yeah.


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